Streamline workflows and enable rapid insights with intelligent accelerators. Gain a competitive advantage by processing massive datasets in real-time, accelerating machine learning and deep learning, computational modeling, financial trading algorithms, manufacturing and more.
Whether working as consultants or as employees in large organizations, computing professionals are obligated to perform their work conscientiously. This means that they should not only be concerned with technical excellence but also must consider the social implications of computer systems in terms of their impact on end-users, employers, and the general public.
For example, a Professional Computing solution might design an information system to allow speedy access to medical records by physicians and nurses. In doing so, the professional must balance the technical requirement to provide fast access with the social obligation to protect patients’ privacy.
Professional Computing Solutions: Upgrade Your Tech Experience
Computing professionals must also be careful to avoid potential conflicts of interest. This can happen when a professional is asked to make a judgment and the professional’s personal or financial interests might bias his or her judgment. For instance, a professional might recommend XYZ Corporation purchase a data mining program without mentioning that the company was owned by his or her domestic partner.
Finally, computing professionals are obligated to promote the public understanding of computer science and technology. This can take many forms, from advising a church on the purchase of computing equipment to writing an article in the local newspaper about technical issues related to proposed legislation to regulate the Internet.