Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council (BDBC) is considering a new cemetery near the Basingstoke Crematorium. It’s a bold move, as the borough is near capacity in its current state. However, a developer has presented plans to fix the problem. The plan consists of a 16.4-acre site next to the crematorium.
The site will be fitted with a plethora of features, such as surface water storage and alternative dewatering of groundwater. This is not to say that it will solve the flooding issue in the wider catchment area. However, it will mitigate the effects of drainage issues. A footpath is a given, as are trees to encourage wildlife. There are also two vehicle access points.
The aforementioned enigma is not the only mystery at the cemetery. A spate of vandalism has been reported, with teddy bears and toys being taken from graves. Additionally, a recent safety test on the aforementioned ilk was said to have made the aforementioned albeit a bit unnerving. One woman, Claire Ridgers-Smith, has been a frequent visitor to her father’s grave, and is convinced that the aforementioned teddy bears and toys are the result of someone making a blunder. On the whole, she feels that the authorities haven’t been taking her seriously.
BDBC hasn’t yet responded to the latest round of requests for comment, but a spokesperson has reportedly said that the new site won’t be up and running for another year or so. The latest proposal was presented to borough councillors on June 3. According to the BDBC website, it will cost the taxpayers of the county £2.5 million, with a final price to be revealed on June 10. The council has also committed to funding repairs to the aforementioned ilk.
In addition to the aforementioned slew of improvements, the BDBC will levy a small re-opening fee to cover costs. All fees will be doubled for those who leave the borough after five years. That’s not a bad deal if you think about it.
Despite its flaws, the BDBC plans to make a dent in the county’s cemetery deficit, with the new site being the first of its kind in the county. While a new burial ground would not solve the problem of the shortage of bodies in the local cemetery, it will serve to mitigate the future capacity challenges that face the borough. If you are a resident of the borough, you can register your interest in the scheme via an online form. Interested parties are required to fill out their contact details before a call back is scheduled.
Considering the new site’s proximity to the existing crematorium, it makes sense that the aforementioned’mi muto’ is on the agenda. Indeed, a spokesperson from the borough’s housing department said that the new cemetery “represents an opportunity for the county’s housing officers to work with their counterparts at the council in order to improve the quality of life for residents.” Moreover, the aforementioned re-opening fee will help ensure the county’s residents aren’t left in the dark as to the aforementioned slew.